
Throwback Thursday

Stevens Point family wins national health contest

Aug 25, 2022

By Nathan Vine For the Wausau Daily Herald

“Amy Mrozek and Gerald Porter of Stevens Point got involved in the Triple Play Family Fit Challenge to change their family’s health.

But that decision has paid even bigger dividends, as the couple and their three children – Keondre, 12, Tyrone, 9, and Amara, 6 – recently bested four other families from across the United States in a Nov. 19 competition in Los Angeles.

As a result, the family won a trip to the U.S. Olympic Training Facility in Colorado Springs, Colo., in 2012. They also won other prizes, such as a Microsoft Xbox Kinect system, and the local Boys & Girls Club will be given a new pingpong table.

‘I think we were a little bit shocked,’ said Mrozek. “All of the families there put in a lot of work and effort over six weeks.’

The Triple Play program, called ‘A Game Plan for the MIND, BODY and SOUL,’ is meant to encourage kids to eat a balanced diet, become more physically active and increase their ability to engage in healthy relationships.

During the six-week challenge, the five families learned and practiced healthy eating habits (MIND), were physically active (BODY) and spend quality time with each other (SOUL). Challenge activities included earning the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award from the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition; trying new fruits and vegetables and eating smaller portions; and, participating in family fitness night at their local Boys & Girls Club.

In Los Angeles, each family competed in additional tasks, from making a salad by measuring the proper amount of vegetables, putting together a puzzle as a family and doing physical exercises. Danielle Goska, director of school sites for the Boys & Girls Club of Portage County, nominated the family for the national competition because of their participation locally at the Jefferson Elementary School club site, and in the Tour de Boys & Girls Club Bike-a-Thon (now known as the Pedal Point Rally) in August.

She attended the event with the family, and said she was thrilled with their victory, and impressed with all of the families.

‘It was a really neat experience,’ Goska said. ‘I thought the families were very much alike, and they had all implemented the values of the program in their homes.’

When not competing, Mrozek said the family was able to do a number of activities such as sit in on a taping of the television show “Extra” hosted by Mario Lopez, who is a Boys & Girls Club alum and was a celebrity host of the challenge. They also toured Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Mrozek said the family will visit the Olympic Training Facility during the spring, and said they will be staying on campus, eating meals and participating in workouts with the athletes.

She added that even though the competition is done, the family still plans to keep their healthy eating - ‘My daughter is reminding me that we need to make sure we eat fish,’ she said – to family activities.

‘Things like getting out and taking a walk together have been great for us,’ said Mrozek. ‘We are by ourselves, without distractions like television, and are just spending time together doing something that makes us healthier.’”
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